Today, we attended the Start and Grow expo which was held in Tullamore, Co. Offaly.
This was the first large scale business expo in the Midlands, this year.
My thoughts on the day:
We listened to Mary Ann O’Brien, founder & MD of Lilly O’Brien Choclates. Her presentation covered 3 topics, the startup process including many funny stories of flying by seat of pants, over promising when production levels weren’t available, going up against international competitors for airline sweet contracts & winning, and taking no for an answser.
John Conconnan, a self made business man, started with an idea, and with a little bit of guile, got his first order for a bucket to feed calves, and hasn’t looked back. Most memorable comments: sales, everybody is in it, from the MD down t0 the floor cleaner, and you must wear the customers hat, see it from their point of view. Passion is needed to sell, knowledge of the product.
He demonstrated this in a simple way
He went into a hardware store and asked the salesperson for a hammer, was presented with several types, picking two of the wooden handle variety, asked why one was €3 and another was €6. The sales man replied €3.
Another hardware store, the same process occurred. With the same reply €3.
Finally into a 3rd hardware store, again with the same process, asking sales person what was difference between the €3 and €6 hammer.
The reply was, the €6 hammer was made with the finest hickory handle, that wouldn’t splinter, the head made with forged steel, would drive nails home true and straight.
This sales person was trained, and the sale was made.
This for me demonstrated in simple terms that your customer focused staff should be trained to same quality as the sales team. We are all sales people for our organisations, even the tea person in the canteen is customer facing. You bring in a guest, and the cutlery are thrown out onto the tray, what impression does this give.
You are only as weak and as strong as the weakest link in the chain.
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