Learn to Write Proposals
Proposal Structure Presenting Solution Persuasive Writing Effective Groups Executive SummarySpecification Selection Award
Performance Suitability Lowest price Technical Financial Soundness Most economically Environmental Input Technical Capability, advantageous & ability Negotiations Public Tenders 4 – 6 Mths Private < 4 MthsAdvantages to submit a proactive proposal
Tenders are time consuming, pulling teams together, and possibly expensive. Simple to get meeting with them before going out to tenders -> the sharks are circling Would you let sales people run the most important projects? Track record on bids, did you win, loose, what the outcome is. Tempting to bid on all proposals, bid on the work that you can win.People go with brands that they are familiar with. Some times proposals are opportunities to get to meet with a client, you time will come after a period of time.
Proposal Evaluation
Who is buying, end users, bid manager, technical?
What button do I need to push with clients to see what type of person they are.
Evaluation Criteria & Selection
Understand what is being evaluated, respond accordingly
Autonomy of a Proposal
Executive Summary – 2 Pages Qualifications & Relevant Experience Our understanding of your requirement – scope of work required Our proposed solutions (telling a story) Project Timeline Evidence of previous releated work Timeframe Communications Costings CertificatesTable of compliance
Schedule – Project Plan,ning key dates Costs – table of costs, assumptions, invoicing schedule, estimated expenses Project Team – Project team structure, team profiles Our Profile – company overview, previous experience, project management Quality assurance.Bid Management
Proposal Planning Understanding who does what Proposal Organisation Process Proposal Quality Production & deliveryDon’t let the process of tendering get in the way of business, let them grow together.
Doing research, understand their needs
Proactive Proposal
Shows understanding of the business get their permission to submit their proposal
Business Proposal
Who ever is needed to maximise chance of success, who does it involve.
Capture Plan Bid management plan On going process Bid / No bid Qualification ToolPut effort into proposals that you are certain that have an excellent chance of winning. If this is the first time you see an opportunity on the website, it probably is too late to tender.
High performance people – ask questions, find out about the business
You need to understand the need behind their need, tell a story
Demonstrate & Prove & Demonstrate = Persuasion Solution Credibility Value (Can miss this) Two ways people buy Lowest price / cost ValueEarly in a proposal, graphics draw people to the page. People remember graphics faster than text alone. Effective graphics – a graphic on every page
Get another team to review – get them to rip them apart, as if they were clients
Proposals – do they need to be hardcopy or via electronic format.
In our experience the data gathering & collating is time consuming, and you will need to allocate time, not at the last minute to this. Tenders in their nature suck you into them and you can spend time on them at the cost of your own business, so remember that and allow adequate time.
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